Iguana Holes: Learn How to Stop The Iguana Digging Holes in Yard

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Iguanas are not only invasive but also known for their destructive digging habits. If you’re dealing with an iguana digging holes in your yard, we hope provide insights into why iguanas dig holes and how to effectively prevent this behavior. As experts from Iguana Busters, we share practical tips and solutions for managing iguana-related issues.

Why Do Iguanas Dig Holes?

Do iguanas dig holes? Yes, iguanas are known to dig holes for various reasons. One primary reason is nesting. Female iguanas dig burrows to lay their eggs, providing a safe and protected environment for their offspring. Another answer to the question, Why do iguanas dig holes? Apart from nesting, iguanas dig holes to create shelter from predators and harsh weather conditions. These burrows offer them a cool and safe place to retreat.

Understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help in developing effective strategies to prevent it. Iguana digging holes in yard can lead to significant damage, not only to the landscape but also to the structural integrity of buildings and other structures. Identifying the signs of iguana activity early on is crucial for mitigating their impact.

The Impact of Iguana Holes

Iguana holes can cause extensive damage to your yard and property. These burrows can undermine the foundations of buildings, seawalls, and sidewalks, leading to costly repairs. The digging behavior of iguanas also disrupts the natural vegetation and soil structure, making it challenging to maintain a healthy and aesthetically pleasing yard.

The presence of iguana holes can also attract other pests and create hazards for people and pets. Addressing this issue promptly is essential to prevent further damage and ensure the safety and stability of your property. At Iguana Busters, we specialize in identifying and mitigating the impact of iguana burrows, providing effective solutions to protect your yard. Contact us today for a FREE estimate to resolve your iguana issues.

How to Prevent Iguanas from Digging Holes

Preventing iguanas from digging holes in your yard involves a combination of strategies. Here are some effective methods:

  1. Landscape Modification: Modify your landscape to make it less appealing to iguanas. Remove dense vegetation and create open spaces that expose iguanas to predators.
  2. Barriers and Fencing: Install barriers and fencing around your property to prevent iguanas from accessing vulnerable areas. Ensure the barriers are buried at least a foot deep to prevent burrowing.
  3. Habitat Modification: Reduce food sources and hiding spots for iguanas. Remove fallen fruits, secure trash cans, and eliminate potential nesting sites.
  4. Professional Removal: For severe infestations, consider professional removal services. At Iguana Busters, we offer humane and effective iguana removal solutions to keep your property safe and iguana-free.

Our team can provide customized strategies tailored to your specific situation, ensuring long-term protection against iguana digging.nal help not only ensures the safe removal of iguanas but also helps in implementing preventive measures to avoid future infestations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do iguanas dig holes?

Yes, iguanas dig holes primarily for nesting and shelter.

Why do iguanas dig holes?

Iguanas dig holes to lay eggs and create safe retreats from predators and harsh weather.

Do lizards dig holes?

While some lizards dig shallow holes, iguanas are particularly problematic due to the size and depth of their burrows.


Dealing with an iguana digging holes in your yard requires understanding their behavior and implementing effective prevention strategies. Iguana Busters offers expert solutions to help you manage and mitigate the impact of iguana burrows on your property. Our services include professional removal and habitat modification to ensure long-term protection against these invasive reptiles.

By taking proactive measures and seeking professional assistance, you can protect your yard and property from the destructive habits of iguanas.

In conclusion, preventing iguanas from digging holes involves a combination of landscape modification, barriers, habitat changes, and professional removal.

Ready to get rid of those iguanas?

Call us today for a free estimate