Do Iguanas Carry Diseases?

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Iguanas are common in many areas, particularly in South Florida, but their presence raises concerns about potential health risks. Many people wonder, do iguanas carry diseases? We’re looking to help address the question by exploring the diseases iguanas can carry, the associated health risks, and how to prevent disease transmission effectively.

Common Diseases Carried by Iguanas

Iguanas can carry several diseases that pose health risks to humans. Understanding these diseases is crucial for anyone who comes into contact with these reptiles.

1. Salmonella

One of the most well-known diseases associated with iguanas is Salmonella. Many people ask, do iguanas carry salmonella? The answer is yes, they do.

  • Transmission: Salmonella bacteria are shed in the feces of iguanas and can contaminate surfaces, food, and water.
  • Symptoms in Humans: Infection can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.

2. Parasitic Infections

Iguanas can harbor various parasites that may pose health risks to humans and pets.

  • Types of Parasites: Common parasites include mites, ticks, and intestinal worms.
  • Transmission: These parasites can transfer from iguanas to humans through direct contact or contaminated environments. Mites and ticks can cause skin irritation, while intestinal worms can lead to digestive issues.

Health Risks Associated with Iguanas

Besides Salmonella and parasites, other iguana diseases can affect humans, making it essential to understand these risks.

Ensure you and your family are protected from health risks associated with invasive iguanas by using Iguana Busters to remove them from your property. Get your FREE estimate today.

1. Bacterial Infections

Iguanas can carry bacteria that cause infections in humans, especially if bitten or scratched by an iguana.

  • Common Bacteria: Besides Salmonella, iguanas can carry bacteria like Pseudomonas and Aeromonas, which can infect wounds.
  • Symptoms: Symptoms may include redness, swelling, and pus at the infection site, requiring medical treatment. These bacterial infections can be particularly concerning for individuals with compromised immune systems.

2. Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are another concern, especially for people with weakened immune systems.

  • Types: Iguanas can carry fungi like Aspergillus and Candida.
  • Symptoms: Infections can cause respiratory issues and skin lesions. Fungal spores can be spread through the air or by direct contact with the iguana or its environment

Preventing Disease Transmission

Preventing the transmission of iguana infections is crucial for maintaining health and safety. Here are some steps you can take to reduce the risk.

1. Proper Hygiene

Maintaining proper hygiene when handling iguanas or cleaning their enclosures is vital.

  • Handwashing: Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling iguanas or their habitat. This simple step can significantly reduce the risk of disease transmission.
  • Disinfection: Regularly disinfect surfaces that may have come into contact with iguanas or their feces. Use a strong disinfectant suitable for killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

2. Safe Handling Practices

Safe handling practices can help minimize the risk of disease transmission.

  • Protective Gear: Wear gloves when cleaning iguana enclosures or handling iguanas to prevent direct contact with potential pathogens. Consider using masks if you are in a high-risk category or dealing with large amounts of iguana waste.
  • Avoiding Bites and Scratches: Be cautious to avoid bites and scratches, which can introduce bacteria into the skin. Iguanas have sharp claws and teeth, so handling them gently and securely is essential.

3. Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary check-ups for pet iguanas can help detect and treat any health issues early, reducing the risk of disease transmission to humans.

  • Health Screenings: Regular screenings for common iguana diseases and parasites.
  • Preventative Care: Vaccinations and treatments as recommended by a veterinarian.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can iguanas make pets sick?

Yes, iguanas can transmit diseases to pets, particularly if they share the same environment. It’s important to maintain good hygiene and separate enclosures to prevent cross-contamination.

What should I do if I suspect my iguana is sick?

If you notice signs of illness in your iguana, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or abnormal droppings, consult a veterinarian experienced with reptiles. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the spread of disease.

Are children at higher risk of contracting diseases from iguanas?

Children, especially those under five, are at higher risk due to their developing immune systems. It’s crucial to supervise their interactions with iguanas and ensure they wash their hands afterward to prevent disease transmission.


So, do iguanas carry diseases? Yes, 100% iguanas can carry several diseases that pose health risks to humans and pets. Understanding these risks and taking appropriate precautions can help prevent disease transmission. Proper hygiene, safe handling practices, and professional advice are key to managing these risks effectively.

For the best iguana control services and expert advice, contact Iguana Busters. Our team is dedicated to providing safe and effective solutions to keep your environment iguana-free and healthy.

Ready to get rid of those iguanas?

Call us today for a free estimate