Interesting Facts About Iguanas

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Iguanas are fascinating creatures that have captured the interest of reptile enthusiasts and scientists alike. In this blog we will talk about some interesting facts about iguanas, providing insights into their behavior, biology, and unique characteristics. Whether you’re looking for iguana facts for kids or want to learn more about these incredible reptiles, read on to discover everything you need to know. For those dealing with iguana infestations, we are offering a free estimate from Iguana Busters. We offer professional services to manage these reptiles humanely and effectively.

General Iguana Facts

Iguanas are large, arboreal reptiles that belong to the family Iguanidae. They are primarily found in Central and South America, but some species are also native to the Caribbean and Pacific islands. Most iguana facts highlight their diverse habitats, ranging from rainforests to deserts. These reptiles are known for their impressive size, with some species growing up to 6 feet in length. 

Iguana Biology

Understanding iguana biology is essential for appreciating their adaptability and survival strategies. Iguanas are cold-blooded, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. This characteristic influences their behavior and habitat preferences. Additionally, iguanas have excellent vision, which helps them detect movement and locate food. 

Fun Facts About Iguanas

Some other fun facts about iguanas include their unique physical traits and behaviors. For instance, iguanas have a third “parietal” eye on the top of their heads, which helps them detect changes in light and shadow, alerting them to potential predators. Another interesting fact is that iguanas can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes, allowing them to stay underwater for extended periods.

Green Iguana Facts

The green iguana is one of the most well-known species. Most Green iguana facts reveal that these reptiles are excellent swimmers and can fall from heights of up to 50 feet without getting injured. They use their long tails for balance and as a defensive weapon. Green iguanas are also known for their vibrant green color, which can change to darker shades depending on their mood and environment. 

Also, green iguanas are considered an invasive species in Florida. At Iguana Busters, we’ve seen them cause significant ecological and infrastructural damage. Due to their invasive status, green iguanas can be euthanized humanely to control their population and mitigate the negative impact on native wildlife and human infrastructure. We can assist with this process, ensuring it is done humanely and effectively.

Additional Iguana Facts for Kids

Here are some more iguana facts for kids that can spark curiosity and interest:

  • Iguanas can drop their tails to escape predators. The tail will eventually grow back, although it may not look the same.
  • Baby iguanas, called hatchlings, are independent from birth and must fend for themselves immediately after hatching.
  • Iguanas communicate with each other through head bobs and body movements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some interesting facts about iguanas?

Interesting facts about iguanas include their ability to change color, their third eye, and their impressive swimming abilities.

Can you share some iguana facts for kids?

Sure, iguana facts that kids could enjoy include their ability to regrow their tails, their independence from birth, and their unique communication methods.

What is unique about iguana biology?

Iguana biology is fascinating, with features like their third eye for detecting light changes and their cold-blooded nature requiring external heat sources for temperature regulation.

Are there fun facts about iguanas that aren’t well-known?

Rare facts about iguanas include their ability to hold their breath for up to 30 minutes and their use of head bobs for communication.


Iguanas are truly remarkable reptiles with a wide range of interesting characteristics. From their unique biological traits to their impressive physical abilities, there is much to learn and appreciate about these animals. However, when iguanas invade residential or commercial areas, they can become a significant problem.

Whether you are a seasoned reptile enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of iguanas, these iguana facts provide a comprehensive overview of what makes them so fascinating. For professional help with iguanas, consider reaching out to us at Iguana Busters. Our expert team is dedicated to managing and controlling iguana populations humanely and effectively.

Ready to get rid of those iguanas?

Call us today for a free estimate