Ever Wonder What Do Iguanas Eat?

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Iguanas are fascinating reptiles, but many people often wonder, what do iguanas eat? Understanding their dietary habits is essential for those dealing with wild iguanas. We will jump into the quick details of the iguana diet, covering their natural food sources in the wild to frequently asked questions that could provide you with desired answers.

Why FL Residents Should Care About the Diet of Iguanas

In recent years, Florida has experienced significant issues due to the dietary habits of invasive green iguanas. These reptiles, which are primarily herbivores, have caused extensive damage to local vegetation and infrastructure. In 2020, for example, a large iguana population was blamed for the collapse of a seawall in West Palm Beach, leading to costly repairs and heightened concerns about structural integrity.

Additionally, the iguanas in Florida have a voracious appetite for plants that has led to the destruction of ornamental gardens and crops, impacting both homeowners and agricultural businesses. Such incidents underscore the importance of understanding and managing iguana populations to protect Florida’s environment and property values.

Do not let iguanas cause damage to your property, contact Iguana Busters today for a free estimate. We have proudly served FL for many years!

What Iguanas Eat in the Wild

In their natural habitats, iguanas have access to a diverse range of food sources.

  • Leaves: Iguanas primarily feed on the leaves of trees and shrubs. These leaves are rich in fiber, which is crucial for their digestion.
  • Fruits: Wild iguanas eat fruits such as figs, berries, and mangoes. These fruits are often seasonal and provide a sweet treat.
  • Flowers: Flowers like hibiscus are a favorite among wild iguanas. They are rich in nutrients and easy to digest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can iguanas eat animal protein?

While some iguanas may consume small insects or other animals in the wild, their diet should primarily be plant-based. Animal protein can cause health issues in iguanas if consumed in large quantities.

How often should I feed an iguana?

If it is a pet iguana, it should be fed daily, with a diet consisting of 70-80% leafy greens, 10-20% vegetables, and 10% fruits.

Are there any foods I should avoid feeding iguanas?

If it is a pet, avoid feeding your iguana spinach, lettuce, and rhubarb, as these can interfere with calcium absorption or be toxic in large amounts.


Understanding the diet of iguanas is crucial for Florida residents as these invasive reptiles continue to pose significant threats to local ecosystems and property. The damage caused by their feeding habits, from the collapse of infrastructure to the destruction of gardens and crops, highlights the need for effective iguana management and prevention strategies provided by Iguana Busters. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, Floridians can help mitigate the negative impact of iguanas and protect their environment and community.

Ready to get rid of those iguanas?

Call us today for a free estimate